States...A new beginning to the end before. I will leave behind the voice of a story ripped from a live characterized by a tragism inspired by my own ego. With the demonic angel killed in a moment of lucidity, with acute thirst for the existence translated into words, the fight with life as art continues independent from my own willingness. It's something stronger than myself, something that feeds my mind and master my feelings. I'm carrying the burden of words that make harder my soul when I close them in the prison of consciousness. And I wanted to stop wasting letters, describing an enthusiasm that I should have choked long time ago in the past, in the moment when I buried my demonic angel in the subconscious of lost things but impossible to forget. At the moment when seeking answers, I found that actually I do nothing but find more questions. Than, unconscious I've turned a state into words and with a cruel hungry for new notes I've colored with the soul through the pen, another page. And I've opened a new chapter in which, that so called demonic angel, it's not anymore characterized by the overwhelming presence. His role will probably never end, but it will be just one of the crowd, which sometimes will breath some new rows through so many rows that will cross my consciousness to be printed on a sheet, bringing it to live. Are those states that I often shout silently through speechless words.
16 ianuarie 2011
De ce "Stări"...(States)
Stări... un nou început pentru sfârşitul anterior. Rămâne în urma glasul sec al unei povesti ruptă din traiul caracterizat de un tragism insuflat de propriul ego.Cu îngerul demonic ucis într-un moment de luciditate, cu sete acută pentru existenţa transpusă în cuvinte, lupta cu viaţa în formă de artă continua independent de propria voinţă. E ceva mai puternic decât propriul sine, ceva ce îmi hrăneşte cugetul şi îmi stăpâneşte simţurile.Port în spate povara cuvintelor ce îmi îngreunează spiritul atunci când le închid în temniţă constintei.
Şi aş fi vrut să mă opresc din a risipi litere, descriind un patos ce ar fi trebuit să îl înăbuş de mult în anterior, în momentul în care mi-am îngropat îngerul demonic în subconştientul lucrurilor pierdute, dar imposibil de uitat.În momentul în care căutând răspunsuri, am constatat că de fapt nu fac altceva decât să găsesc şi mai multe întrebări. Inconştient am prefăcut apoi o stare în cuvinte şi cu foame cruntă de noi însemnări, am colorat cu sufletul prin intermediul instrumentului de scris, încă o pagină.Şi am deschis un nou capitol în care acel, sugestiv numit, înger demonic nu mai ocupă rolul principal, nu mai e caracterizat de omniprezenta covârşitoare. Rolul lui probabil nu se va încheia niciodată, însă va fi doar unul din mulţime, care uneori va da suflul unor noi rânduri printre atâtea rânduri ce încă îmi vor străbate conştientul ca mai apoi să ajungă tipărite pe o foaie, dându-i viaţa.Sunt acele stări pe care adesea le strig tăcut prin cuvinte mute.
States...A new beginning to the end before. I will leave behind the voice of a story ripped from a live characterized by a tragism inspired by my own ego. With the demonic angel killed in a moment of lucidity, with acute thirst for the existence translated into words, the fight with life as art continues independent from my own willingness. It's something stronger than myself, something that feeds my mind and master my feelings. I'm carrying the burden of words that make harder my soul when I close them in the prison of consciousness. And I wanted to stop wasting letters, describing an enthusiasm that I should have choked long time ago in the past, in the moment when I buried my demonic angel in the subconscious of lost things but impossible to forget. At the moment when seeking answers, I found that actually I do nothing but find more questions. Than, unconscious I've turned a state into words and with a cruel hungry for new notes I've colored with the soul through the pen, another page. And I've opened a new chapter in which, that so called demonic angel, it's not anymore characterized by the overwhelming presence. His role will probably never end, but it will be just one of the crowd, which sometimes will breath some new rows through so many rows that will cross my consciousness to be printed on a sheet, bringing it to live. Are those states that I often shout silently through speechless words.
States...A new beginning to the end before. I will leave behind the voice of a story ripped from a live characterized by a tragism inspired by my own ego. With the demonic angel killed in a moment of lucidity, with acute thirst for the existence translated into words, the fight with life as art continues independent from my own willingness. It's something stronger than myself, something that feeds my mind and master my feelings. I'm carrying the burden of words that make harder my soul when I close them in the prison of consciousness. And I wanted to stop wasting letters, describing an enthusiasm that I should have choked long time ago in the past, in the moment when I buried my demonic angel in the subconscious of lost things but impossible to forget. At the moment when seeking answers, I found that actually I do nothing but find more questions. Than, unconscious I've turned a state into words and with a cruel hungry for new notes I've colored with the soul through the pen, another page. And I've opened a new chapter in which, that so called demonic angel, it's not anymore characterized by the overwhelming presence. His role will probably never end, but it will be just one of the crowd, which sometimes will breath some new rows through so many rows that will cross my consciousness to be printed on a sheet, bringing it to live. Are those states that I often shout silently through speechless words.
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