Si ingerul demonic a pierit ucis de mine ...
Închei aici, sunt ultimele cuvinte ce le scriu!
14 decembrie 2010
Scrisoare de "La revedere".... ("Goodbye" letter)
Aceasta e ultima zi, aceasta e ultima seară când privind afară îmi voi aminti de tine, de noi.De serile în care pierduţi printre aşternuturi ne luptăm cu gândul că noaptea se va interpune între noi.Şi că departe unul de celălalt, cele câteva ore vor părea nesfârşite transformându-se într-o eternitate. Aceasta e ultima zi, aceasta e ultima seară în care stingând lumina şi cufundată în întunericul camerei îmi voi contura imaginea ta în minte. Voi păstra pentru un minut imaginea omului care m-a învăţat să iubesc. Apoi voi şterge pe rând, zâmbetul trasând în locul lui o simplă linie dreaptă.Mă voi juca cu ochii în care mă pierdeam de atâtea ori şi îi voi colora cu o culoare mată.Mă voi juca cu întreg visul şi îl voi transforma într-un coşmar pe care eu singură am vrut să îl creez. Un coşmar dulce în care tu, cel care de atâtea ori m-a împins la o parte, îmi vei potoli groază, frica ce îşi vor face loc în suflet. Aceasta e ultima noapte, când în ore târzii, amintindu-mi de tine voi risipi litere, cuvinte, fraze pe care niciodată nu vei ajunge să le înţelegi în neştiinţa ta voită. Nu mai este timp. S-au scurs secundele şi-a venit vremea să îngropăm cadavrele clipelor ce ieri păreau atât de vii. Adesea credeam că nemurirea chiar există şi totuşi am murit mai repede învinşi de boala indiferentei.
Aceasta e ultima zi, aceasta e ultima sera când simţind că parfumul tău mă-nconjoara, voi deschide fereastra şi... îl voi pofti afară. Nu mai eşti al meu. Nici măcar momentele în care mă gândesc la tine nu îmi mai aparţin.Şi da, nu şi-a dat niciodată seama că involuntar mi-a luat tot.Şi m-a lăsat fără nimic plângând în ploaie, într-o zi în care nici măcar soarele nu era acolo să-mi încălzească rănile ce tot involuntar mi le-a făcut. Dar astăzi poate să păstreze tot. Tot ce-am avut şi astăzi nu mai vreau să am din nou. Căci am pierdute şi rămăşiţele din urmă nu le vreau. Căci astăzi plec, te-am aşteptat, dar nu mai stau, e prea târziu...
This is the last day, this is the last night when looking outside I will remember you, remember us. Remember the evenings when lost through the beddings we were fighting with the thought that night will interposes between us. And being apart one from another the few hours will seem endless, turning into an eternity. This is the last day, this is the last evening when turning off the light and dipped in the darkness of the room I will outline your image in my mind. I will keep in my mind for a minute the image of the man that taught me to love. Then I will borrow, one by one, the smile tracing instead of it a straight line. I will play with the eyes in which I was lost so many times and I will color them with a matte color. I will play with the whole dream and I will turn it into a nightmare created by my own desire. A sweet nightmare that you, who so often pushed me away, will calm the terror, the fear that will cover my soul. This is the last night when lately, remembering you I will spread letters, words, phrases that you will never get to understand in your willful ignorance. There is no time anymore. Seconds have elapsed and we have to bury the moment’s corpses that yesterday seemed so alive. Often I thought that immortality really exists and yet we died sooner defeated by the disease of indifference. This is the last day, this is the last evening, when feeling your perfume surrounding me, I will open the window and invite it out. You're not mine anymore. Even the times when I think about you are not belonging to me. And yes, he never realized that involuntarily he took all that I had. And left me crying in the rain with nothing in a day when even the sun wasn't there to warm my hurts that also unintentional he did to me. But today he can keep it all. All I had and today I don't want to have again. Because I've lost and I don't want the remains of yesterday. Because today I'll leave, I've been expecting you, but I don't want to stay anymore, it's too late, it’s time to go...
Aceasta e ultima zi, aceasta e ultima sera când simţind că parfumul tău mă-nconjoara, voi deschide fereastra şi... îl voi pofti afară. Nu mai eşti al meu. Nici măcar momentele în care mă gândesc la tine nu îmi mai aparţin.Şi da, nu şi-a dat niciodată seama că involuntar mi-a luat tot.Şi m-a lăsat fără nimic plângând în ploaie, într-o zi în care nici măcar soarele nu era acolo să-mi încălzească rănile ce tot involuntar mi le-a făcut. Dar astăzi poate să păstreze tot. Tot ce-am avut şi astăzi nu mai vreau să am din nou. Căci am pierdute şi rămăşiţele din urmă nu le vreau. Căci astăzi plec, te-am aşteptat, dar nu mai stau, e prea târziu...
This is the last day, this is the last night when looking outside I will remember you, remember us. Remember the evenings when lost through the beddings we were fighting with the thought that night will interposes between us. And being apart one from another the few hours will seem endless, turning into an eternity. This is the last day, this is the last evening when turning off the light and dipped in the darkness of the room I will outline your image in my mind. I will keep in my mind for a minute the image of the man that taught me to love. Then I will borrow, one by one, the smile tracing instead of it a straight line. I will play with the eyes in which I was lost so many times and I will color them with a matte color. I will play with the whole dream and I will turn it into a nightmare created by my own desire. A sweet nightmare that you, who so often pushed me away, will calm the terror, the fear that will cover my soul. This is the last night when lately, remembering you I will spread letters, words, phrases that you will never get to understand in your willful ignorance. There is no time anymore. Seconds have elapsed and we have to bury the moment’s corpses that yesterday seemed so alive. Often I thought that immortality really exists and yet we died sooner defeated by the disease of indifference. This is the last day, this is the last evening, when feeling your perfume surrounding me, I will open the window and invite it out. You're not mine anymore. Even the times when I think about you are not belonging to me. And yes, he never realized that involuntarily he took all that I had. And left me crying in the rain with nothing in a day when even the sun wasn't there to warm my hurts that also unintentional he did to me. But today he can keep it all. All I had and today I don't want to have again. Because I've lost and I don't want the remains of yesterday. Because today I'll leave, I've been expecting you, but I don't want to stay anymore, it's too late, it’s time to go...
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