In urma mea vad doar farame de mine
Descompus sufletul s-a transformat intr-un nimic
Nu a ramas in spate decat o urma franta de destin
Calcata in picioare de cei care aleagra-n jur pe langa mine
De el, de voi, de toti ce m-ati muscat ca niste fiare
Cand am intins o mana si ati sarit ca sa ma sfasiati de egoism
Si azi ma-ntreb de ce nu sunt la fel ca ieri
Cat de naiv inca mai sper ca am sa fiu la fel ca altadata
Frustrari ca nu ma mai cunosc privind oglinda
Caci parca nu ma mai reflect in geamul ei
Si simt ca pana si privirea mea e alta,si zambetul e parca mai absent
Ce-am devenit?O fiara printre fiare
Traiesc ca sa ii vad cum cad incet, in fata mea pe rand
Si-am sa-i trantesc eu la pamant de vor ramane in picioare
Si-am sa-i reinviu si-apoi sa-i fac sa cada iar-nfranti, palind
Dar cine sunt?Mi-e frica azi de mine,de fiece miscare ce o fac
Caci mi se pare c-am uitat de mult sa tac, si tot vorbesc
Caci am uitat de mult de sentimente,de vise,de idealuri purpurii
Unde am ramas, cine sunt?
In urma mea vad doar pasii tacuti
Incet, totul a fost acoperit de fum si m-am pierdut
Unde am ramas,cine sunt?
Si cat as vrea sa pot ca sa o iau de la-nceput...
Where I left myself, who I am?
Behind me I see only pieces of what I was
Broken, the soul has turned into nothing
Behind has left nothing but a trace broken by fate
Trashed by those running around me
By him, by all that bitten me like some beasts
When I stretched my hand and you jumped to tear me with selfishness
And today I wonder why I'm not the same of yesterday
How naive I am still hoping that I’ll be like in old times
Frustrations that I don't recognize my face in the mirror
Is like I don't see my reflection in her glass
And I think that even my look is different, and the smile is even more absent
What I've become? A beast among beasts
Living to see them falling down slowly, one by one in my front
And I will push them to ground by myself if they will still stand by
And I will resurrect them and then make them fall again, defeated, fading
But who I am? Today I'm afraid of me, of every movement that I make
Cause it seems that I've forgotten to shut, and I keep talking
Cause I've forgot about feelings, about the dreams, about ideals
Where I left myself, who I am?
Behind me I only see my silent steps
Slowly, everything was covered in smoke and I've lost
Where I left myself, who I am?
And how I wish I could take it all from the beginning...