Iarasi fara tine,iarasi fara noi
Acelasi loc in care ieri ne sarutam la asfintit
E azi pustiu caci noi nu il mai umplem cu privirea
Ca si ieri,ca si altadata
Va ramane uitata ziua in care pentru prima data mi-ai zambit
Timpul nu va sterge nicio rana
Imi va imblanzi insa gandurile,amintirile
Imi va domoli setea de tine ce seara imi usuca buzele
Imi va amorti simturile si imi va induce o stare falsa de uitare
Aceiasi luna care lumineaza aceleasi taramuri
Nu lumea e cea care s-a schimbat
Ci noi nu mai suntem la fel ca si atunci
Nu vom mai fi niciodata
Nu va mai exista aceiasi carare,aceleasi dorinte
Urmele pasilor se vor defini incet in directii diferite
Privirile vor cauta noi orizonturi
Ca doi straini vom traversa pe drumuri paralele
Fara macar sa gesticulam o urma de durere
Vom fi prea slabi sa ne incrucisam privirile
Si chinuiti de remuscari vom lasa capul in pamant
Mergand in gol nestingheriti
Tot noi,tot aici
La nesfarsit...
Flavor of moments from other days
Has remained forgotten among the cold beddings today
I still feel the perfume of happiness through the pillows
And my mind is outlining the shape of your body
I still feel you by my side, I feel you strange, blind
Like a cold shiver that makes me silently tremble
And I have your eyes etched in my mind
Like a tattoo done in a moment of madness
That even if is removed later
Remains the scar and the trace that one day it was there
So lonely as filled I used to feel being with you
A new wave of perfume brought by the wind
It makes me feel you again here with me
It's just the darkness that used to cover our naked bodies
When shy we cuddled in different corners of the bed
Lost into our eternity
In which we lost ourselves in the end forever
And yes, it remained just the flavor from the moments of other days
Forgotten in the air which sometimes it's hard to be breath
Because there are memories floating around, feel suffocated
When I lay on the pillow where once
You used to stay...