4 august 2010

Itinerariu (Itinerary)

Cat de departe poti sa fugi de tine insuti
Cat de departe poti sa fugi de vise,de propriile sentimente
Unde poti sa te ascunzi de adevaruri
Ca o lasa vreau sa fug de propriile frici
De gandul ca niciodata nu o sa poti sa imi zici
„Vreau sa pleci,nu privi inapoi niciodata
Vreau sa uiti,vei ramane uitata.”
Cat de departe poti sa fugi de ceea ce esti
Cat de deprate poti sa fugi de dorinte,de propria constiinta
Si unde poti sa te ascunzi de amintiri
Ca o lasa vreau sa fug iarasi de tine
De fapt vreau sa fiu departe de mine
De tot ce am avut odata impreuna
Vreau sa fug inainte sa incep din nou o furtuna.
Cat de departe poti sa fugi de tot ce a fost
Cat de departe poti sa fugi cand simtit ca nimic nu mai are rost
Si plec incercand sa ma ascund...de mine
Si-ntorcandu-ma voi lasa o parte deoparte
Imi voi condamna constiinta la moarte
Cand voi fugi de mine,departe
Cand voi fugi sa ma-ntorc inapoi
Pregatita sa-ncep alt razboi
C-am fugit invinsa in lupta cu tine
Invaluita in spaima,invaluita-n rusine
Candva vei fugi tu, de tine!

How far can you run from yourself?
How far can you run from the dreams, from your own feelings?
Where can you hide from the truth?
As a coward I want to run from my own fears
From the thought that you'll never be able to tell me
"I want you to leave, not to look back never again
I want you to forget, you will remain forgotten."
How far can you run from what you really are?
How far can you run from the wishes, from your own conscience?
And where you can hide from the memories
Like a coward I want to run away from you
In fact I want to be away from me
From everything that once we had together
I want to run before a storm starts again.
How far can you run from everything that nothing has sense
And I'm leaving trying to hide...from myself
And when I'll come back I'll let a part apart
I will sentence my consciousness to death
When I will run from me, far away
When I will run to come back again
Ready to start another war
Because I've run defeat in the fight with you
Shrouded in fear, shrouded in shame
Someday you'll run away from you too!