8 septembrie 2010

Unde e? (Where is she?)

Unde e?Iar ai pierdut-o!
Am lasat-o sa plece din nou!
De ce nu ai oprit-o din drum?De ce nu ai prins-o de mana sa o intorci inapoi?
Prea traziu!Am facut-o sa planga din nou!
Unde e?Crezi ca lacrimile ei sunt gratuite?
Un pret prea mare pe care nu o sa mi-l permit sa il platesc!
De ce ai ucis-o?
Am distrus-o prin tot ce i-am zis!A ramas jos la pamant privindu-ma cu ură!
Unde e?Sti ca nu o vei mai gasi niciodata!
Am s-o caut,in mare,in cer,in aer,in vis...
De ce i-ai deschis ranile?Doar ca sa invarti cutitul mai tare?
Vechile vicii m-au indemnat sa descos trecutul!
Unde e?De ce atunci cand nu mai e aici fugi la ei?
Pentru ca atunci cand ei nu mai sunt fug la ea!
N-ai sa o gasesti acolo unde era de fiecare data!
Of!Am uitat ca i-am spus sa nu mai priveasca niciodata inapoi!
Unde e?De ce nu e aici langa tine si azi?
Pentru ca ieri am ucis ziua de maine!
De ce plangi?De ce te doare?
Mi-e mila de mine, si voi ramane pustiu,sigur....
Unde e?Cine iti va mai sterge ochii umezi si iti va usura pleoapele?
O batista ce inca pastreaza pafumul ei...
De ce tot ce se naste in jurul tau are parfum mortuar?
Am mainile manjite de durere si tot ce ating se distruge nefiresc
Daca i-ai fi primit atingerea totul s-ar fi schimbat in jurul tau
Ma duc sa o caut!!Unde e?!
A murit...

Where is she? Once again you lost her!
I let her go again!
Why didn't you stop her from her way?
Why didn't you catch her by the hand and bring her back?
Too late! I made her cry again!
Where she is? Do you think her tears are for free?
A price too high that I'll not be able to pay!
Why did you kill her?
I destroyed her with everything I said! She remained down on the ground looking at me with hate!
Where is she? Know that you will never find her again!
I will search her, in the sea, in the sky, in the air, in my dreams
Why did you open the old injuries? Just to spin harder the knife?
The old vices have urged me to download the past!
Where is she? Why when she is not here you run for them?
Because when they are no longer here I run to her!
You will not find her where she was every time!
Oh! I forgot I told her never to look back anymore!
Where is she? Why she is not beside you today?
Because yesterday I killed tomorrow!
Why are you crying? Why does it hurt?
I feel sorry for me, I'll remain empty, lonely
Where is she? Who will wipe your wet eyes and will ease your eyelids?
A handkerchief that stills keep her perfume...
Why everything that is born around you has funeral fragrance?
My hands are smeared with pain and everything I touch is destroyed unnatural
If you have received her touch everything would have changed around you
I'm going to look for her! Where is she?
She is died...

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